sexta-feira, 18 de março de 2011


The truth will not set you free. Nothing can save you. Jean-Paul Sartre was right:

"il faut qui l'homme se retrouve lui même et se persuade que rien ne peut le sauver de lui-même, fût-ce une preuve valable de l'existence de Dieu." (Gallimard, p. 77-78)

The problem is not the existence of God or not. It is not about truth either.

The man borns and dies. He lives in a material world. However, he knows there's something else. The question is what. In fact, he can't know because he's just human. The power of religion comes from here: the unknown.

The man depends on nature. Nature depends on the sun. Man knows it. To live better means to understand the nature. It depends on the movements of earth, which it's in relation with the sun.

The answer is in the sky: sun and stars. What's called astrology helps the knowledge of the man about nature and about his living in this planet.

It helps to build the religions. They gave power to a minority. Men didn't find the answer of life or God or existence, but they found the way to control other men.

Religion became ideology and it gave power to a minority to control the majority. Religion's still there with other ideologies and their instruments, such as: school, politics and midia.

Nowadays, people don't mind about the meaning of life. They care about money and how they can get it and, at the same time, they can control the others.

People wear masks of ideolgy to get what they want. Nothing's clear. Everything became a game. The intention is not to understand life or God. It's simply to get richer and to control the society. That's it.