sexta-feira, 18 de março de 2011


Selmane Felipe de Oliveira, PhD

I'm not in the mood. I know few people read what I write. So, today, I'll write in English, anyway.

Life's not good. It's just a long way home... Of course, in the end, home's death.

Why are we here? Basically, because sex's good and people (parents) don't think...

Well, they "think": fuck the future, my pleasure is now. The problem is: nine months after that night, "the future" arrives and it´s you.

As a child, everything's new. Soon, you realize new is not (always) good. It's a bad start. After that, things get worse, much worse...

You wait: "well, someday, it's gonna be better". It never does.

So, why are you still here?

Some people are afraid of dying. They imagine they'll go to hell. If they believe in that, probably they deserve it.

Others think on their children... Well, YOU made them. They didn't ask anything. It was just a saturday night thing. And you called it "love". Please.

Some people are still in this world to make other's life a hell. They like to destroy the hopes and the pleasures of anyone. They love to make you suffer... This place's for them: they hate and they lie. They don't care about anything.

And you feel guilty. You feel pain. You don't know why you are here. You don't know the meaning of life. And, yet, it's all your fault ?!

Someone said God's a adult's imaginary friend. We need to believe in something: God, love, future... anything...

But it's just our imagination. Life makes no sense. However, it hurts. The pain's real.

There's a Rolling Stones' song called "waiting on a friend." The friend never comes. At last, the friend's death. Good news, finally.

Everybody dies. The problem is the future (with our "friend") never comes. It's boring...